Support Our Police PAC

Society questions the police and their methods, and the police say, Do you want the criminals off the street or not? – Kurt Russell

stock photo of police with criminalIt is the mission of Support Our Police PAC to endorse the election and reelection of legislators that support and vote for legislation that will protect law enforcement officers’ interests and rights through the funding for better training programs, access to more body cameras and lifesaving equipment, which will help to defend both citizens and our police against attacks from terrorists and violent criminals.

We will endorse Federal candidates (US Senators and US Congressmen & US Congresswomen) that enact laws protecting our police from threats made against public safety official while they are performing their professional duties. This is also termed as ” bias-motivated intimidation”.

Lastly and of equal importance we will endorse Federal candidates that strive to enhance death benefits for our law enforcement families. As more and more bias and hostile attitudes are leveraged against our dutiful law enforcement professionals, the increase in attacks and deaths to police is alarming. If our country does not do more to provide increased benefits to the families of injured or slain police officers, retention and recruitment will atrophy to alarming levels.

Sure the barista at your local coffee shop is IMPORTANT, but, when you are a victim of a crime and there is zero to slow response to your call for help, some of that can be attributed to this anarchist “defund the police” movement. Go ahead and move to a 3rd world country for a few years and then return to the United States. It will be obvious our national police force needs immediate legislative support and vision for tackling our ever-increasing hostile urban environments.

2022 Election – Independent Expenditures

A BIG THANK YOU for the donations to the Support America’s Police PAC which allowed us to drop over 100,000 pieces of mail in support of Congressman Rutherford, Congresswoman Spanberger & Congressman Bacon. As fundraising continues through to the November election, we will continue to support these candidates that support law enforcement legislation. Thank you very much!

Support Our Police PAC FAQ

Super PACs, officially known as “independent-expenditure only committees”, may not make contributions to candidate campaigns or parties, but may engage in unlimited political spending independently of the campaigns. Unlike traditional PACs, they can raise funds from individuals, corporations, unions, and other groups without any legal limit on donation size.

According to FEC advisories, Super PACs are not allowed to coordinate directly with candidates or political parties. This restriction is intended to prevent them from operating campaigns that complement or parallel those of the candidates they support or engaging in negotiations that could result in quid pro quo bargaining between donors to the PAC and the candidate or officeholder. However, it is legal for candidates and Super PAC managers to discuss campaign strategy and tactics through the media.

This Support Our Police PAC web portal is intended to represent fundraising for Federal political candidates that have sponsored, co-sponsored or support legislation that supports our Law Enforcement professionals.